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Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

Heunteu unggut kalinduan haté teu galideur
Tetep percaya ka Yésus najan nyorang lara
Dihina tunggara lantaran iman ka Yésus
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Tigin kana jangji-Na
Sabab pasti ginanjar kasalametan


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

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Nya Mantenna gapura karahayuan
Jalma nu percaya


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

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Gancang geura nyalindung
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Mantenna maha kawasa


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

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Tara mungkir tara jalir kana jangji
Pangéran ngandika tara sulaya

Sing percaya urang sing satia
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Tong galideur ulah pegat pangharepan
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Satia urang sing tetep satia


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

Anjeun Gusti nu kersa miasih
Tur buméla ka sakur nu kumalendang
Ka manusa nu hirup di pawenangan
Henteu kendat mintonkeun rasa kahéman

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Nu maparin hirup hurip salawasna


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 2

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Urang sing saruka bungah
Sukan sukan gumbira maruji Gusti

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Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman

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Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman

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Kabingung teu manggih tungtung
Haté moal ngalanglayung
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Kasusah taya sudana
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Karupek nyampak urang teu kudu galideur
Satungtung haté urang cumantél ka Yésus


Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman

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Kaagungan Gusti taya tandingna
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Anjeun Gusti mulya salanggengna

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Ciptaan : Satib Timotius
Album : Gentra Kaheman Vol 1

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Ngorbankeun jiwa ragana
Sangkan urang teu binasa
Kénging hirup nu langgeng

Yésus pupus di Golgota
Ngajait urang sadaya
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