Syuting Gentra Kahuripan di bulan September


Syuting Gentra Kahuripan dilakukan di Studio Sanggar Mekar Asih. Syuting yang berlangsung selama satu hari full ini biasanya mendapat 5 episode. Dengan narasumber yang kompeten, Bpk. Purnawan Tenibemas.

Dengan alunan kecapi dan lagu Sunda yang indah mengawali setiap episode. Ada Bpk. Sjamsudin dan Bpk. Deni Sarniem sebagai host. Ada Bpk. Satib T, Bpk. Deni Omen dan Steven yang turut bergabung dalam perbincangan.If you have erectile problems, you should consult the doctor then you may sometimes be diagnosed as erectile dysfunction as well as impotence. levitra uk You are advised to keep a track of the improvement, while the latch valve system ensures that it can be operated with just one hand. buy cialis online Generic sildenafil medication is as same as branded viagra tablets 100mg. As per the estimated result cheapest cialis in canada it was found that the medication resulted in 40% increase in testosterone levels.

Jangan lupa untuk menyaksikan Gentra Kahuripan yang tayang setiap hari Minggu di CTV Banten pukul 18.00 – 18.30 wib, di Bandung TV pukul 19.30 – 20.00 wib dan Sumedang TV (SMTV) pukul 15.30 – 16.00 wib. Hatur nuhun


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